Monday, May 10, 2010

New exchange student

Today, I am writing this post because I know that there are lots of girls and boys interested in doing an exchange. If you know someone please let the person know about all this because it is an awesome year.
I have learnt about a thousand things I had no idea I was going to learn.
I may not say that I did not have really good reason to go in an exchange before coming here, because I really did have a good reason (as learning the language, learning about the Canadian culture and knowing totally new people), but for sure, I have learnt a lot more than just what I thought and I am sure I will be learning more in the next 2 months (even when I am in Argentina).
I have learnt to appreciate my family and friends. I have learnt that languages are really important to be able to communicate with people from all around the world but I think that much more important is being able to feel the other persons feelings with opened heart, so you could reach the other person's heart. I consider that it's a really good point to be able to make good friends, and that's the way to make them.

Now, that I am almost in the end of my exchange the feeling are sometimes really weird because I feel that I am not going to see all this people again all together as now. And if I come some day to visit it's not going to be the same. The feeling it's really different than when I was in Argentina saying goodbye to my family because I knew my family is going to be there and everything is going to be the same when I go back, but leaving here, it's so difficult because I want to get to see my friends that I made here all my life but also, I want to see my family again.
Some time, somehow, things are going to "normal" again... !!!! And I am afraid of that...

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